National Drive Electric Week

National Drive Electric Week 2024 - Webinars

See the links below to view videos of past webinars and check back later for information on future webinars.

Past Webinars


  • Charging your EV at Work!: video
  • Marketing an NDEW Event: An introductory webinar: video
  • Planning an NDEW Event: An introductory webinar: video
  • Training session: How to register your NDEW event and manage it: video
  • Organizing a National Drive Electric Week Event: An introduction to this exciting role!: video
  • Information Session: Learn about the EVAL Adoption Leadership certification program (one of the resource handouts in the 2024 event kit): video
  • Marketing Your DEEM Event: video
  • How to Organize a DEEM Event: video
  • DEEM Kick Off Webinar: video

Presented By

Plugin America logo
Electric Vehicle Association logo
Sierra Club logo
EVHybridNoire logo
Drive Electric USA logo

Platinum Level Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

Green Level Sponsor

All NDEW 2024 sponsors support Plug In America's coordination of National Drive Electric Week.

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